Wednesday, December 6, 2017

1. What is, in fact, blockade?
In short, blocking is just a way of structuring the data. That's all. This registry is the file that stores the accounts.

This file can be compared to a book that never ends.

Each page of the book has information and a page number at the bottom. Thanks to this page number, you immediately know where in the book this page belongs. Page 49 is clearly between pages 48 and 50.

Like pages, blocks are filled with information. Although the blocks do not have exact numbering, they have a timestamp that performs the same function. A new block is always added after the block with the latest time stamp. Thus, a chain of blocks is formed.

An important feature of blockers is that they use cryptography, thanks to which we can notice whether any information on any page in the book has been changed. This property makes the block system an ideal data structure that allows you to effectively track records of any assets.

Possibilities of using blockade
Possibilities of using blockade
Blockbine Bitcoin blocks contain information about transactions in bitcoins. Each block contains information about who sends to whom and how many bitcoins.

Since the block is used to monitor the movement of all bitmicons from the time they were created, this registry can always be checked for who and how many bitokoynov belongs at any time. "Who owns what" at any time is called the current "state" of the block.

Transaction occurs only after it is included in the block and added to the chain. Therefore, when the block is added to the chain, the state of the block chain is updated. As a result, bitkoyny move.

This means that if I want to check if someone has made a transaction to my address or not, I should be able to check the status of the block. To do this, this registry must be publicly available. Here, peer-to-peer networks come into play.